- Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed -

SB 473 - This act raises the salary schedules for the Kansas City police chief and for the several ranks of officers.

Rank Current range New range

Chief $68,323 to $99,175 $74,877 to $108,688

Lt. Colonels $61,303 to $79,915 $67,183 to $87,580

Majors $55,087 to $71,711 $60,371 to $78,589

Captains $48,764 to $65,061 $53,442 to $71,302

Sergeants $41,447 to $57,049 $45,423 to $62,521

Detectives $25,020 to $48,491 $24,871 to $53,142

Officers $22,694 to $48,491 $24,871 to $53,142