- Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed -

HCS/SB 526 - The act allows operators of lodging establishments to refuse the use of accommodations to the following individuals: those unwilling or unable to pay, those under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, those thought to want a room for an unlawful purpose, or those likely to exceed the maximum capacity of such facility. Operators may eject a person or notify local law enforcement for any of these violations.

The act also allows operators of such facilities to require guests to demonstrate their ability to pay. Operators may require parents or guardians of those under 18 to accept all financial liabilities including deposits and advanced payments. Copies of these provisions must be posted in a conspicuous place in the establishment and in each room. This provision is similar to SB 890.

This act also provides that seasonal resorts located in counties of the third classification shall be inspected by the Department of Health by the first of August of each year.