- Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed -
SB 553 - POSTSECONDARY COURSE OPTION - The postsecondary course option is established in Section 167.223, RSMo, and allows eligible students to attend vocational or academic classes on a college or university campus and receive both high school and college credit for completion of the course. Currently, the option is limited to high school juniors and seniors. The act removes the grade level restriction, allowing any high school student to participate in the postsecondary course option.
COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICTS - Current law permits adjoining school districts to join an existing community college district. This act would allow a school district to attach itself to a community college district in an adjoining county or to "hop over" an adjoining county and attach to a community college district in a county which adjoins an adjoining county. This portion of the act is similar to SB 868.