Reported from the Committee on Transportation, March 10, 1999, with recommendation that the Senate Committee Substitute do pass and be placed on the Consent Calendar.

TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To repeal section 210.173, RSMo 1994, and section 301.463, RSMo Supp. 1998, relating to motor vehicle license plates for the children's trust fund, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to the same subject.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A.  Section 210.173, RSMo 1994, and section 301.463, RSMo Supp. 1998, are repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 210.173 and 301.463, to read as follows:

210.173.  1.  There is established in the state treasury a special trust fund, to be known as the "Children's Trust Fund".  The state treasurer shall credit to and deposit in the children's trust fund [all] only those amounts received [under section 210.174] pursuant to sections 193.265, 210.174, 301.463 and 451.151, RSMo, that are designated for the children's trust fund, and any other amounts which may be received from grants, gifts, bequests, the federal government, or other sources granted or given for this specific purpose.

2.  The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the children's trust fund in the same manner as surplus state funds are invested pursuant to section 30.260, RSMo.  All earnings resulting from the investment of moneys in the children's trust fund shall be credited to the children's trust fund.

3.  Until the amount in the children's trust fund exceeds one million dollars, not more than one-half of the money deposited in the children's trust fund each year from contributions [made under section 210.174] and deposits made pursuant to sections 193.265, 210.174, 301.463 and 451.151, RSMo, that are designated for the children's trust fund, plus all earnings from the investment of moneys in the trust fund credited during the previous fiscal year, shall be available for disbursement by the board in accordance with sections 210.170 to 210.174.  When the state treasurer certifies that the assets in the children's trust fund exceed one million dollars, then, from that time on, all credited earnings plus all future annual deposits to the fund from contributions [made under section 210.174] and deposits made pursuant to sections 193.265, 210.174, 301.463 and 451.151, RSMo, that are designated for the children's trust fund, shall be available for disbursement by the board within the limits of appropriations and for the purposes provided by sections 210.170 to 210.174.  The general assembly may appropriate moneys annually from the children's trust fund to the department of revenue to pay the costs incurred for collecting and transferring funds [under] pursuant to section 210.174, and to the office of administration to pay the expenses incurred by the office of administration for budgetary, procurement, accounting, and other related management functions performed by it and to pay the expenses of members of the board and the salary of the executive director.

4.  Except as provided in subsection 5 of this section, funds appropriated by the general assembly from the children's trust fund shall only be used by the board for purposes authorized [under] pursuant to sections 210.170 to 210.174 and shall not be used to supplant any existing program or service.

5.  Funds received from gifts, bequests, contributions other than contributions and deposits made pursuant to [section 210.174] sections 193.265, 210.174, 301.463 and 451.151, RSMo, grants, and federal funds may be used and expended by the board for such purposes as may be specified in any requirements, terms or conditions attached thereto or, in the absence of any specific requirements, terms or conditions, as the board may determine for any lawful purpose.

6.  The provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, requiring all unexpended balances remaining in various state funds to be transferred and placed to the credit of the ordinary revenue fund of this state at the end of each biennium, shall not apply to the children's trust fund.

301.463.  The children's trust fund board established in section 210.170, RSMo, may authorize the use of their logo to be incorporated on multiyear personalized license plates as provided in this section.  The license plate shall contain an emblem designed by the board depicting two handprints of a child and the words "Children's Trust Fund" and the children's trust fund logo in preference to the words "SHOW-ME STATE".  The license plates shall have a common background and shall bear as many letters and numbers as will fit on the plate without damaging the plate's aesthetic appearance as determined by the director of revenue.  Any [vehicle owner may annually apply] person may receive license plates authorized by this section for any vehicle such person owns either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of eighteen thousand pounds gross weight if such person annually applies to the board or the director for the use of the logo.  Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar logo use contribution to the board, the board shall issue to the vehicle owner, without further charge, a "logo use authorization statement", which shall be presented by the vehicle owner to the department of revenue at the time of registration.  Application for use of the logo and payment of the twenty-five dollar contribution may also be made at the time of registration to the director, who shall deposit such contribution in the state treasury to the credit of the children's trust fund.  Upon presentation of the annual statement or upon application made to the director for use of the logo with the twenty-five dollar contribution, and payment of [the fee required for personalized license plates in section 301.144, and other] a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees and presentation of other documents which may be required by law, the department of revenue shall issue a personalized license plate described in this section to the vehicle owner.  A fee for the issuance of personalized license plates pursuant to section 301.144 shall not be required for plates issued pursuant to this section.  The license plate authorized by this section shall be issued with a design approved by both the board and the director of revenue.  The bidding process used to select a vendor for the material to manufacture the license plates authorized by this section shall consider the aesthetic appearance of the plate.  A vehicle owner, who was previously issued a plate with an emblem authorized by this section and who does not provide an emblem use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration, shall be issued a new plate which does not bear the emblem, as otherwise provided by law.  Any contribution to the board derived from this section shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the children's trust fund established in section 210.173, RSMo.

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