HB 154 -- State Vehicles
Co-Sponsors: Dougherty, Wiggins
This bill creates the position of state vehicle fleet manager
within the Office of Administration. Beginning July 1, 2000,
the manager will purchase, allocate, and dispose of state
vehicles and coordinate vehicle-related travel activities for
all state agencies except the National Guard, Department of
Transportation, Department of Conservation, and the Highway
Agencies will request vehicles at least 6 months prior to the
start of each fiscal year. The manager will purchase and
allocate vehicles based on efficiency and cost effectiveness,
and bill agencies for vehicle use on a life-cycle cost per mile
basis. The manager will also maintain a pool of vehicles for
occasional agency use, develop a data system to track vehicle
use and maintenance, and implement a vehicle replacement cycle
that optimizes efficiency. Agencies may use savings resulting
from efficient vehicle use for any purpose except salary
The manager is also responsible for investigating citizen
complaints about inappropriate state vehicle use. Employees who
use state vehicles for any purpose other than state business are
subject to disciplinary action or termination.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:23 pm