HB 155 -- Court Procedures
Sponsor: Dougherty
For those circuit courts that had a position of referee of the
juvenile division as of August 28, 1993, this bill reclassifies
those referees as commissioners of the family court on August
28, 1999, and does not require that the state be reimbursed for
their salaries and benefits.
The bill allows a criminal action, where the defendant and the
victim are family members, to be transferred to a family court.
The criminal law judge with jurisdiction of the case and the
family court judge must both approve the transfer. Under
current law, a transfer requires that a defendant knowingly
waive his or her rights to a jury trial; both the defendant and
the victim consent to the transfer; and the criminal judge and
family court judge approve the transfer.
The bill clarifies that certain records of a law enforcement
officer or agency other than an arrest report may be closed, if
the information reasonably: (1) poses a clear and present
danger to any person; (2) jeopardizes a criminal investigation;
(3) discloses a confidential source; or (4) discloses
techniques, procedures, or guidelines for law enforcement
investigations or prosecutions.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:23 pm