COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Children,
Youth and Families by a vote of 8 to 7 with 1 present.
Currently, children residing in an institution for 3 or more
children, whose parents do not reside in the school district in
which the institution is located, may enroll for school only if
the institution contracts for educational services and pays the
actual per-pupil cost. Children placed by the departments of
Mental Health and Social Services or the court are exempt from
this provision of current law. This bill permits such children
to be enrolled in the district's schools unless the placement
occurred solely for purposes of enrollment. The bill also
deletes the specific number of children, leaving the law
applicable to any size institution, and deletes the exemption
for agency or court placements.
FISCAL NOTE: Cost to General Revenue Fund of less than $100,000
in FY 2000, less than $100,000 in FY 2001, and less than
$100,000 in FY 2002.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that children should not be
prevented from going to school.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Murray; and General
Protestant Children's Home.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Julie Jinkens McNitt, Legislative Analyst
HB 269 -- Placement of Children
Sponsor: Murray
Currently, children residing in an institution for 3 or more
children, whose parents do not reside in the school district in
which the institution is located, may enroll for school only if
the institution contracts for educational services and pays the
actual per-pupil cost. Children placed by the departments of
Mental Health and Social Services or the court are exempt from
this provision of current law. This bill permits such children
to be enrolled in the district's schools unless the placement
occurred solely for purposes of enrollment. The bill also
deletes the specific number of children, leaving the law
applicable to any size institution, and deletes the exemption
for agency or court placements.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:23 pm