HB 303 -- Alarm Businesses
Sponsor: Dolan
This bill establishes within the Division of Professional
Registration the Missouri Private Security Alarm Business
Registration Board. No person may engage in the alarm business
unless he or she has been duly registered by the board.
The bill contains provisions regarding the powers, duties, and
makeup of the board; the obligation of the division to provide
staff for the operation of the board; promulgation of rules and
regulations; criteria for certification; examinations; issuing,
renewing, suspending, revoking, and refusing to issue
certificates; maintaining records; setting fees; establishing
reciprocal agreements; and causing complaints to be filed with
the Administrative Hearing Commission.
The bill also establishes within the state treasury the Missouri
Private Security Alarm Business Registration Fund. Moneys paid
into the fund will be used for the purposes of the operation of
the board.
Nothing in this bill prevents municipalities from requiring
alarm businesses to pay license fees, register and meet all
codes, or from imposing reasonable ordinances and requiring
disclosure of certain alarm systems.
This bill is effective July 1, 2000. Violation of the
provisions of this bill is a class A misdemeanor.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:24 pm