HB 336 -- Watercraft Regulations
Sponsor: Hosmer
Currently, the Director of Revenue is authorized to impose a
penalty or cancel registration for failure to register a
documented vessel or for selling a documented vessel without a
certificate of registration. Under this bill, such a penalty or
cancellation can apply to vessels documented prior to August 28,
1994, only if the person has received at least a 30 days notice
that registration is required.
The bill requires canoes 16 or more feet in length to have at
least one type I, II, III, or IV personal flotation device on
board for each person. Watercraft 16 or more feet in length
must have at least one type IV throwable personal flotation
device and at least one type I, II, or III wearable flotation
device for each person on board and each person being towed who
is not wearing one. Watercraft less than 16 feet in length must
use type IV personal flotation device for each person on board.
Kayaks, sailboards, racing shells, racing kayaks, and rowing
sculls are exempted from some of the floatation device
requirements. Type V personal flotation devices may be carried
in place of other devices required. Between October 15th and
March 15th on the Missouri River, Mississippi River, Corps of
Engineers Lakes, Lake of the Ozarks, and Thomas Hill Lake
occupants of any vessel less that 18 feet in length are required
to wear a type I, II, III, or V personal flotation device when
the vessel is underway or has the motor running.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:24 pm