CO-SPONSORS: Foley, Murray, Selby
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass by consent" by the Committee
on Local Government and Related Matters by a vote of 17 to 0.
This bill allows municipal fire departments, upon voter
approval, to contract with a private company to provide fire
protection services.
FISCAL NOTE: No impact on state funds.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that voters should have a voice in
the privatization of a fire department.
Testifying for the bill were Representatives Foley and Selby;
and Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters.
OPPONENTS: Those who oppose the bill say that cities have no
need to contract for fire service. The voters can already do
this by petition.
Testifying against the bill was the Missouri Municipal League.
Steve Bauer, Legislative Analyst
HB 352 -- Municipal Fire Departments
Co-Sponsors: Foley, Murray, Selby
This bill allows municipal fire departments, upon voter
approval, to contract with a private company to provide fire
protection services.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:24 pm