This bill requires that any increase in statutorily set salaries
take effect beginning the fiscal year following its
authorization unless there is a specific appropriation for the
increase before such time.
Beginning July 1, 2000, the salaries of the Commissioner of
Administration and directors of the departments of Revenue,
Social Services, Agriculture, Economic Development, Corrections,
Labor and Industrial Relations, Natural Resources, and Public
Safety will be set by the Governor within salary ranges
established by the Personnel Advisory Board. The Personnel
Advisory Board will set ranges for department directors and
members of the Board of Probation and Parole after considering
the results of a study periodically performed or administered by
the Office of Administration. The salary range for these
positions must be published in an appendix to the Revised
Statutes of Missouri. Any member of the Board of Probation and
Parole whose term of office began before August 28, 1999, will
receive the salary set by statute.
Legislative per diem is set at 80% of the federal rate rather
than allowing the rate to be up to 80%. Under current law
judicial per diem is also set at expenses not to exceed 80% of
federal per diem. The bill replaces this per diem with payment
for actual and necessary expenses.
The bill also allows the Governor to grant leave to 25
additional full-time employees working under the American Red
Cross who are participating in specialized disaster relief
services within the state.
This bill eliminates obsolete language regarding statutory
salaries for the Commissioner of Administration; members of the
Board of Probation and Parole; and directors of the departments
of Revenue, Social Services, Agriculture, Economic Development,
Corrections, Labor and Industrial Relations, Natural Resources,
and Public Safety. The salaries for department directors and
other executive branch positions who received statutory salaries
during fiscal year 1999, beginning July 1, 1999, will be
established by the Personnel Advisory Board after considering
the results of a study periodically performed or administered by
the Office of Administration. The salaries must be recommended
by the Governor and appropriated by the General Assembly. The
salary range for these positions must be published in an
appendix to the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
The bill also deletes obsolete language regarding legislative
This bill contains an emergency clause.
FISCAL NOTE: Cost to General Revenue of $0 to Unknown in FY
2000, FY 2001, and FY 2002. Cost is subject to appropriation.
CO-SPONSORS: Murray, Franklin
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on
Governmental Organization and Review by a vote of 9 to 1.
This bill eliminates obsolete language regarding statutory
salaries for the Commissioner of Administration; members of the
Board of Probation and Parole; and directors of the departments
of Revenue, Social Services, Agriculture, Economic Development,
Corrections, Labor and Industrial Relations, Natural Resources,
and Public Safety. The salaries for department directors and
other executive branch positions who received statutory salaries
during fiscal year 1999, beginning July 1, 1999, will be
established by the Personnel Advisory Board after considering
the results of a study periodically performed or administered by
the Office of Administration. The salaries must be recommended
by the Governor and appropriated by the General Assembly. The
salary range for these positions must be published in an
appendix to the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
The bill also deletes obsolete language regarding legislative
This bill contains an emergency clause.
FISCAL NOTE: Cost to General Revenue is $0 to Unknown for FY
2000, FY 2001, and FY 2002.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that this bill cleans up old
language and clarifies what is already being done. Salaries for
department heads will be set by the Personnel Advisory Board.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Murray; and Office
of Administration, Division of Personnel.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Steve Bauer, Legislative Analyst
HB 368 -- State Employee Salaries
Co-Sponsors: Murray, Franklin
This bill eliminates obsolete language regarding statutory
salaries for the Commissioner of Administration; members of the
Board of Probation and Parole; and directors of the departments
of Revenue, Social Services, Agriculture, Economic Development,
Corrections, Labor and Industrial Relations, Natural Resources,
and Public Safety. The salaries for department directors and
other executive branch positions who received statutory salaries
during fiscal year 1999, beginning July 1, 1999, will be
established by the Personnel Advisory Board after considering
the results of a study periodically performed or administered by
the Office of Administration. The salaries must be recommended
by the Governor and appropriated by the General Assembly. The
salary range for these positions must be published in an
appendix to the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
The bill also deletes obsolete language regarding legislative
This bill contains an emergency clause.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:24 pm