HB 431 -- Unlawful Use of Firearms
Sponsor: Hagan-Harrell
This bill makes a number of changes related to the use of
firearms. The bill:
(1) Raises the penalty for possessing or discharging a firearm
or projectile weapon while intoxicated from a class B
misdemeanor to a class D felony. Intoxication is defined as
having .08% or more of weight of alcohol in a person's blood;
(2) Requires a law enforcement officer to administer a chemical
test when probable cause exists to believe that the person
possessed or discharged a firearm while intoxicated. Refusal to
take the test is a class D felony;
(3) Makes it a class D felony for a person to store a firearm
on the person's premises if the person knows or should have
known that a child would gain access to the firearm, the child
gains access to the firearm, and any person is injured. It is
not a crime if the firearm is stored in a locked container or if
the firearm is unloaded and the ammunition is stored separately;
(4) Makes it a class B misdemeanor for any person responding to
an incident where a firearm was discharged and a law enforcement
officer was not present to fail to notify the appropriate law
enforcement agency as soon as possible.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:25 pm