SPONSOR: O'Connor (Kissell)
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Motor
Vehicle and Traffic Regulations by a vote of 8 to 2.
This substitute establishes a model traffic ordinance whereby
counties or cities may adopt an ordinance for the establishment
of an automated photo-traffic enforcement program. Such system
may be established at any railroad crossing, dangerous
intersection, or potentially dangerous intersection. A photo--
traffic enforcement system cannot be used for speed enforcement.
Photos obtained from the automated photo-traffic enforcement
system along with proof of identity of the owner in whose name a
vehicle is registered will be sufficient evidence that the owner
was responsible for the violation. The substitute has
provisions dealing with stolen vehicles and furnishing evidence
that the vehicle was in the care, custody, or control of another
person when a violation occurred.
No points will be assessed for violations obtained through the
use of an automated photo-traffic enforcement system.
Any city or county establishing such a system will be required
to make a public announcement of the system at least 30 days
prior to its official use. Signs indicating the system's
presence must be visible to traffic approaching any location
which is equipped with an automated photo-traffic enforcement
FISCAL NOTE: Estimated Net Effect on State Schools Money Fund
of $0 in FY 2000, FY 2001, and FY 2002.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that this gives counties and cities
a good tool for traffic enforcement.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Kissell; and
Lockheed Martin Company.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Robert Triplett, Legislative Analyst
HB 447 -- Automated Photo-traffic Enforcement Program
Sponsor: Kissell
This bill establishes a model traffic ordinance whereby counties
or cities may adopt an ordinance for the establishment of an
automated photo-traffic enforcement program.
Photos obtained from the automated photo-traffic enforcement
system along with proof of identity of the owner in whose name a
vehicle is registered will be sufficient evidence that the owner
was responsible for the violation. The bill has provisions
dealing with stolen vehicles and furnishing evidence that the
vehicle was in the care, custody, or control of another person
when a violation occurred.
No points will be assessed for violations obtained through the
use of an automated photo-traffic enforcement system.
Any city or county establishing such a system will be required
to make a public announcement of the system at least 30 days
prior to its official use. Signs indicating the system's
presence must be visible to traffic approaching any location
which is equipped with an automated photo-traffic enforcement

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:25 pm