This bill deals with public infrastructure. Its main provisions
(1) The right to acquire property, including by eminent domain,
is given to boards and commissions formed via contract between
political subdivisions to jointly supply water and sewer service;
(2) Sewer district trustees may be compensated by the district
for their services;
(3) Authorized representatives of any corporation which owns
real estate or other property in a levee district may
participate in the election of the board of supervisors for the
district and if elected serve on the board;
(4) Joint municipal utility commissions are permitted to
contract between participating cities and sewer districts to
provide sewer services;
(5) A utility commission is prohibited from selling water
within the jurisdiction of a privately owned water company
unless it is also within the boundaries of a contracting
municipality or public water supply district;
(6) Cities with existing waterworks systems are allowed to be
included in water districts. Such inclusion requires a majority
vote of a city's governing body;
(7) Water districts are allowed to transfer portions of the
territory they serve to cooperating contiguous districts;
(8) First classification counties without a charter form of
government are allowed to form a countywide wastewater treatment
authority for the purpose of establishing a countywide sewer
(9) Public sewer districts created in St. Louis City or County
are allowed to use current law regarding customer billing,
delinquent accounts, delinquent account interest, property lien,
and the discontinuance of service. The period of delinquency
leading to disconnection of service is reduced from one year to
3 months;
(10) Under current law, the General Assembly may appropriate
funds to the Clean Water Commission for stormwater control in
any county or city and such funds are distributed based upon
population to all eligible counties. Funds may be used for up
to 80% of the cost of any project, including the development of
a stormwater plan. This bill allows the funds to be used only
in first classification counties, the City of St. Louis, and
Kansas City. Funds may only be used for up to one-third of
project cost, and eligible counties and cities must already have
a stormwater control plan approved by the Clean Water Commission
or acceptable to the United States Army Corps of Engineers and
approved by the Clean Water Commission;
(11) All grants or loans for sewer districts established
pursuant to Article VI, Section 30(a) are to be distributed
directly to the district;
(12) The Board of Fund Commissioners is authorized to issue
bonds for grants and loans pursuant to several sections of
Article III of the Missouri Constitution. The authorizations
are for:
(a) an additional $17.5 million of bonds for water pollution
control, drinking water system improvements, and stormwater
control pursuant to Section 37(e);
(b) $10 million of bonds for rural water and sewer projects
pursuant to Section 37(g); and
(c) $20 million of bonds for stormwater control plans, studies,
and projects in first class counties and the City of St. Louis
pursuant to Section 37(h);
(13) Nonprofit membership corporations are allowed to be
organized for the purpose of supplying water for distribution,
wholesale, and treatment services. Membership and board of
directors requirements and duties are established;
(14) The requirement that the Board of Public Buildings place
government buildings in communities of 5,000 inhabitants or more
is repealed;
(15) The maximum amount of revenue bonds allowed to be issued
by the Board of Public Buildings is raised from $229 million to
$425 million;
(16) St. Louis County, upon voter approval, is allowed to levy
and impose annually a fee not to exceed $1 per month upon water
service lines providing water service to residential property
having 4 or fewer dwelling units. Funds are to be used for
repair or replacement of water lines extending from the water
main to a residential dwelling due to failure of the line or to
road relocation;
(17) The governing body of the municipality or county can enact
an ordinance to collect the fees and can contract with any water
service provider in the municipality or county to bill and
collect the fees and bills for water service; and
(18) Residents of first classification counties with a charter
form of government are allowed the option to continue purchasing
water from a municipality even if a water district later claims
a sole right to sell water to them.
The bill contains an emergency clause for the provisions
pertaining to water service lateral lines, municipal water
service in certain areas, and revenue bonds issued by the Board
of Public Buildings.
HS HB 450 -- WATER BONDS (Relford)
This bill authorizes the Board of Fund Commissioners to issue
bonds for grants and loans pursuant to several sections of
article III of the Missouri Constitution. The authorizations are
(1) an additional $2.5 million of bonds for water pollution
control, drinking water system improvements, and stormwater
control pursuant to section 37(e);
(2) $10 million of bonds for rural water and sewer projects
pursuant to section 37(g); and
(3) $20 million of bonds for stormwater control plans, studies,
and projects in first class counties and the City of St. Louis
pursuant to section 37(H).
FISCAL NOTE: Estimated Net Cost to General Revenue Fund of
$4,237,783 in FY 2000, $4,090,040 in FY 2001, and $4,090,347 in
FY 2002.
CO-SPONSORS: Relford, Wiggins
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Fiscal
Review by a vote of 12 to 0.
This bill authorizes the Board of Fund Commissioners to issue an
additional $15 million of bonds for water pollution control,
drinking water system improvement, and storm water control
pursuant to Article III, Section 37(e) of the Missouri
FISCAL NOTE: Estimated Net Cost to General Revenue Fund of
$1,448,941 in FY 2000, $1,301,198 in FY 2001, and $1,301,505 in
FY 2002.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that this bill is the annual request
to authorize the sale of Water Pollution Control Bonds. The
bonds are used, in part, as Missouri's required match to receive
federal capitalization grants to fund the State Revolving Fund
loan program. Missouri is to receive approximately $60 million
in federal funds this year for which Missouri is required to
provide a 20% match or $12 million. The remaining funds, $3
million, is to be used for the state's 40% of the State Grant
Testifying for the bill were Representative Relford; and
Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Roland Tackett, Legislative Analyst
HB 450 -- Water Pollution Control Bonds
Co-Sponsors: Relford, Wiggins
This bill authorizes the Board of Fund Commissioners to issue an
additional $15 million of bonds for water pollution control,
drinking water system improvement, and storm water control
pursuant to Article III, Section 37(e) of the Missouri

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:25 pm