HB 569 -- Driving With an Excessive Blood Alcohol Content
Sponsor: Hosmer
This bill lowers the blood alcohol content level for the crime
of driving with excessive blood alcohol content from .10% to
.08% or more of weight of alcohol in a person's blood. Also,
the Department of Revenue is required to suspend or revoke the
license of a person who was driving with a blood alcohol content
of .08% or greater instead of .10% or greater.
The bill also makes it an infraction to operate a motor vehicle
with an open container of alcohol in the passenger compartment
of the vehicle. In addition, a person convicted of this offense
is assessed 4 points towards suspension of the person's driver's
license. The current requirement that the Director of Revenue
suspend the license of any person who receives 8 points in an 18
month period is unchanged.
The bill also allows a forfeiture action to be filed to seize
the vehicle of a person convicted of either driving under the
influence or driving with an excessive blood alcohol content if
the person is proved to be a persistent alcohol-related driving

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:25 pm