This bill allows all military and certain specialty plates to be
obtained for commercial motor vehicles licensed for a gross
weight not in excess of 18,000 pounds (certain pickup trucks) as
well as noncommercial vehicles. Military plates will not be
subject to the fee charged for personalized plates. All
military plates, except the Congressional Medal of Honor,
Retired Military, and the Prisoner of War plates, will cost $15
in addition to the regular registration fee. There will no
longer be a limit on the number of military plates a person may
obtain as long as each set is issued for vehicles owned solely
or jointly by the person.
Individuals may get a special license plate to help the Wilson's
Creek National Battlefield Foundation. A $25 emblem use
contribution will be made annually to the foundation by any
individual wanting the special plates. All other normal fees
will apply, including the fee for personalized plates.
The following new plates are allowed to be made available:
"Bronze Star," "Combat Medic," "Gulf War Veteran,"
"Distinguished Flying Cross," "Professional Sports Team,"
"Respect Life," and "Square and Round Dance Clubs."
An advisory committee for the Department of Revenue is
established for the purpose of developing guidelines for the
issuance of motor vehicle specialized license plates. This
committee must direct the Director of Revenue to implement its
guidelines for all specialized license plates not later than
July 1, 2000.
The Department of Revenue is allowed to issue 30-day temporary
permits to applicants for personalized plates. Currently,
regular plates are issued until the stamped personalized plate
is available.
The Missouri Respect Life Commission is established within the
Office of Administration. This commission will consist of 13
members: 2 Missouri senators, 2 Missouri representatives, and 9
members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of
the Senate, with one from each congressional district. To be
eligible for appointment to the commission, a person must
demonstrate agreement with the principles and goals regarding
human life as set out in the bill. The powers and duties of
this commission are outlined in the bill.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is authorized to inspect
homemade trailers. If the Highway Patrol conducts the
inspection, rather that the county sheriff, the $10 inspection
fee will be deposited in the State Highway Fund. After
obtaining a certificate of inspection and paying all applicable
fees, the Department of Revenue will issue the homemade trailer
owner an identifying number plate.
Penalties are provided for any person who makes a false
statement or declaration to the Director of Revenue.
The bill also contains language that will simplify Department of
Revenue procedures, including allowing statements where
affidavits are now required and clarifying the procedure for
usage of an old pre-existing license plate issued in the year
the vehicle was manufactured.
This substitute makes it clear that all military plates may be
obtained for commercial motor vehicles licensed for a gross
weight not in excess of 12,000 pounds (certain pick-up trucks)
as well as noncommercial vehicles. The substitute also makes it
clear that military plates will not be subject to the fee
charged for personalized plates.
All military plates, except the Congressional Medal of Honor and
the Prisoner of War plate, will cost $15 in addition to the
regular registration fee charged. The Congressional Medal of
Honor plates and the first set of Prisoner of War plates are
free. However, a $15 fee in addition to the regular
registration fee may be charged for each subsequent set of
Prisoner of War plates. There will no longer be a limit on the
number of military plates a person may obtain as long as each
set is issued for vehicles owned solely or jointly by the
person. The substitute authorizes a new plate for any person
who has been awarded the military service award known as the
"Bronze Star."
The substitute also reorganizes the Advisory Committee for the
Department of Revenue for the purpose of developing guidelines
for the issuance of motor vehicle specialized license plates.
The committee will adopt guidelines which include the following:
(1) The types of public or private entities, organizations or
societies allowed to have an emblem or symbol;
(2) The type of design allowable;
(3) Recommendations as to the number of specialized license
plates that should be requested before such plates are issued;
(4) Recommendations as to the total number of license plates
that should be issued containing any specific emblem or symbol.
This committee must direct the Director of Revenue to implement
its guidelines for all specialized license plates not later than
July 1, 2000.
FISCAL NOTE: Estimated Net Income to Highway Fund of $11,635 in
FY 2000, and $56,644 in FY 2001 and FY 2002. Does not include
any additional unknown costs or income as a result of an
anticipated increase in the number of applications for specialty
license plates.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Motor
Vehicle and Traffic Regulations by a vote of 14 to 0.
This substitute makes it clear that all military plates may be
obtained for commercial motor vehicles licensed for a gross
weight not in excess of 12,000 pounds(certain pick-up trucks) as
well as noncommercial vehicles. The substitute also makes it
clear that military plates will not be subject to the fee
charged for personalized plates.
All military plates, except the Congressional Medal of Honor and
the Prisoner of War plate, will cost $15 in addition to the
regular registration fee charged. The Congressional Medal of
Honor plates and the first set of Prisoner of War plates will be
free. However, a $15 fee in addition to the regular
registration fee may be charged for each subsequent set of
Prisoner of War plates. There will no longer be a limit on the
number of plates a person may obtain as long as each set is
issued for vehicles owned solely or jointly by the person. The
substitute authorizes a new plate for any person who has been
awarded the military service award known as the "Bronze Star."
The substitute also reorganizes the Advisory Committee for the
Department of Revenue for the purpose of developing guidelines
for the issuance of motor vehicle specialized license plates.
The committee will adopt guidelines which include the following:
(1) The types of public or private entities, organizations or
societies allowed to have an emblem or symbol;
(2) The type of design allowable;
(3) Recommendations as to the number of specialized license
plates that should be requested before such plates are issued;
(4) Recommendations as to the total number of license plates
that should be issued containing any specific emblem or symbol.
This committee must direct the Director of Revenue to implement
its guidelines for all specialized license plates not later than
July 1, 2000.
FISCAL NOTE: Estimated Net Income to Highway Fund of $9,468 in
FY 2000, and $40,118 in FY 2001 and in FY 2002. Does not
include any additional unknown costs or income as a result of an
anticipated increase in the number of applications for specialty
license plates.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that this bill will make all
military plates consistent in issuance and the fee charged.
Testifying for the bill was Representative Relford.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Robert Triplett, Legislative Analyst
HB 60 -- Military License Plates
Sponsor: Relford
This bill allows the Director of Revenue to issue special
license plates for any person who has been awarded the military
service award known as the "bronze star." This plate will be
issued bearing the words "BRONZE STAR" in place of the words
"SHOW-ME STATE" and also bear an image of the bronze star. If a
person has been awarded a bronze star with a "V" for valor
device on the medal, the director must issue plates bearing the
letter "V" in addition to the words and images mentioned.
The fee for a BRONZE STAR and COMBAT INFANTRYMAN license plate
will be $15 in addition to the regular registration fee. No
additional fee will be charged for personalizing such plates.
The bill also repeals the minimum weight of 9,001 pounds for
issuance of the COMBAT INFANTRYMAN plate for nonlocal property--
carrying commercial motor vehicles.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:22 pm