COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Social
Services, Medicaid and the Elderly by a vote of 17 to 0.
This substitute requires applicants for state or federal funds
for providing child care in the home, either through direct
payment or through reimbursement to a child care beneficiary,
and anyone over the age of 14 in the home, to pass a criminal
background and child abuse or neglect check, unless mitigating
circumstances are demonstrated. A denial of state or federal
child care funds based upon the checks can be appealed. This
substitute also authorizes the Department of Social Services to
revoke the registration of a registered provider for due cause;
to require providers to be at least age 18; to require providers
to install and maintain smoke detectors in the residence, unless
there are local ordinances or regulations regarding smoke
detectors; to require providers to be tested for tuberculosis;
and to make providers aware of local opportunities for first aid
and child care training. The Department of Health is authorized
to promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions
of the substitute.
FISCAL NOTE: Estimated Net Cost to General Revenue Fund of
$88,312 to Unknown in FY 2000, $94,119 to Unknown in FY 2001,
and $96,517 to Unknown in FY 2002. Estimated Net Increase to
Criminal Record System Fund of $143,429 in FY 2000, $57,563 in
FY 2001, and $56,155 in FY 2002.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that it is the responsibility of the
state to help insure that children who receive care funded by
public moneys are safe.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Dougherty; Child Day
Care Association of St. Louis; and Citizens for Missouri's
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Debra Cheshier, Senior Legislative Analyst
HB 622 -- Child Care
Co-Sponsors: Dougherty, Ladd Stokan, Foley, Davis (63), Murray,
Parker, Hilgemann
This bill requires applicants for state or federal funds for
providing child care in the home, and anyone over the age of 14
in the home, to pass a criminal background and child abuse
registry check, unless mitigating circumstances are
demonstrated. A denial of state or federal child care funds
based upon the checks can be appealed.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:26 pm