SPONSOR: Ladd Stokan
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Social
Services, Medicaid and the Elderly by a vote of 17 to 1.
This bill places in chapter 198 the requirement currently stated
in chapter 565 that substantiated reports of elder abuse be
promptly reported by the Department of Social Services to the
appropriate law enforcement agency and prosecutor. The bill
specifies also that it is a crime to falsely report elder abuse
or neglect. Residents of facilities, their families, and
employees of facilities who have reported violations or
suspected violations of laws or regulations applying to long
term care facilities and who have been harassed, dismissed, or
retaliated against as a result of having made the report are to
have access to information about their rights and protections
through the Division of Aging information and referral telephone
contact line. Finally, the bill requires that an incident which
is self-reported in a timely fashion by facilities and which
does not result in any regulatory violation be considered as a
self-reported incident and not as a complaint to the hotline.
FISCAL NOTE: No impact on state funds.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that the provisions of the bill help
protect elderly family members from abuse.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Ladd Stokan;
Missouri Association of Homes for the Aging; and Missouri
Coalition for Quality Care.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Debra Cheshier, Senior Legislative Analyst
HB 632 -- Elder Abuse
Sponsor: Ladd Stokan
This bill places in chapter 198 the requirement currently stated
in chapter 565 that substantiated reports of elder abuse be
promptly reported by the Department of Social Services to the
appropriate law enforcement agency and prosecutor. The bill
specifies also that it is a crime to falsely report elder abuse
or neglect. Residents of facilities, their families, and
employees of facilities who have reported violations or
suspected violations of laws or regulations applying to long
term care facilities and who have been harassed, dismissed or
retaliated against as a result of having made the report are to
have access to information about their rights and protections
through the Division of Aging information and referral telephone
contact line. Finally, the bill requires that an incident which
is self-reported in a timely fashion by facilities and which
does not result in any regulatory violation be considered as a
self-reported incident and not as a complaint to the hotline.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:26 pm