HB 659 -- Business Practices
Co-Sponsors: Levin, Akin, Smith, Linton, Hosmer, Kelly (27),
Chrismer, Schilling, Hohulin
This bill prohibits entities from requesting or requiring a
person, as a condition of employment or doing business, to
submit to fingerprinting, retina scans, voice prints, or DNA
testing. Law enforcement agencies, Missouri bar examiners, and
other entities specifically authorized by state or federal law
to conduct such procedures are exempted from the prohibition.
Persons who violate the bill's provisions are guilty of a class
C misdemeanor and may be fined up to $1,000. Entities that
violate the bill's provisions are subject to a civil penalty
which may not exceed $100,000.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:26 pm