COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on
Agriculture by a vote of 22 to 0.
This substitute prohibits the sale of fresh meat without the
country of origin clearly indicated on the package or wrapper.
Where unwrapped or unpackaged cuts or slices are displayed in a
tray or case, the country of origin is to be clearly visible on
a sign or label on each tray or case. Every container of
hamburger, ground meat, sausage, or other meat displayed in bulk
is to have a clearly visible sign indicating the country of
Restaurants or other establishments which knowingly sell
imported prepared meats are to post a sign clearly identifying
all menu items that contain foreign meats and the country of
origin of such meats or to clearly indicate on the menu each
item containing foreign meat and the country of origin of such
The provisions of this substitute are to be enforced by the
Department of Agriculture. Penalties for improper meat labeling
are consistent with other penalty provisions for the Division of
Weights and Measures. Imposition of penalties requires an
administrative hearing. An appeals procedure is provided.
FISCAL NOTE: No impact on state funds.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that the bill satisfies the need and
right of consumers to make informed decisions regarding the
origin of the meat they consume while not placing an undue
burden on retailers.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Leake; Missouri
Cattlemen's Association; Missouri Retail Grocers Association;
and Missouri Farm Bureau.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Roland Tackett, Legislative Analyst
HB 709 -- Labeling Requirements for Meat
Co-Sponsors: Leake, Gaw, Kreider, Crump, Ransdall, Davis
This bill prohibits the sale of fresh meat without the country
of origin clearly indicated on the package or wrapper. Where
unwrapped or unpackaged cuts or slices are displayed in a tray
or case, the country of origin is to be clearly visible on a
sign or label on each tray or case. Every container of
hamburger, ground meat, sausage, or other meat displayed in bulk
is to have a clearly visible sign indicating the country of
Any person who fails to label meat as provided in the bill is
guilty of a class B misdemeanor for the first offense and is
guilty of a class A misdemeanor for the second and each
subsequent offense. A person who falsely labels meat is guilty
of a class A misdemeanor.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:26 pm