COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Higher
Education by a vote of 18 to 0.
This substitute creates a Student Volunteer Corps Program to
provide every student with the opportunity to participate in a
community service activity while in college. All public
colleges and universities participating in the program are to
provide opportunities for community service each academic year,
beginning in the fall term of 1999. Participating schools may
grant academic credit for student participation in the program.
The Student Volunteer Corps Program is to be administered by the
Coordinating Board for Higher Education.
By December 1, 1999, each participating college and university
must establish a Student Volunteer Corps Task Force, comprised
of students, faculty, campus administrators, and community
representatives. The purposes of the task force are outlined
and include strengthening on-campus and external community
service opportunities and developing rules and guidelines for
the program. Each task force is also to advise the Coordinating
Board on the operation of the program.
The Coordinating Board is required to report to the General
Assembly not later than January 15, 2001, on the progress made
to establish the Student Volunteer Corps Program, with
recommendations for ongoing program funding.
The substitute also requires the Coordinating Board for Higher
Education to promote and catalogue service learning
opportunities available in the state institutions of higher
education. "Service learning" is defined in the substitute, and
may include such activities as tutoring, literacy training,
neighborhood or environmental improvements, and assisting the
elderly or disabled.
To promote service learning, the Coordinating Board is required
to (1) include information about service learning in workshops,
seminars, and other training activities attended by faculty,
administrators, and staff; (2) share information about active
service learning programs with the state institutions of higher
education; (3) develop written information about the options
available to colleges and universities in implementing service
learning programs; and (4) encourage state institutions of
higher education to establish, continue, or expand service
learning programs.
The substitute requires the Coordinating Board to catalogue
service learning by (1) including information about service
learning programs in the institutional information collected by
the board; (2) providing summary information about service
learning programs at state institutions of higher education to
community and nonprofit agencies and schools, upon request; and
(3) providing an annual report to the Governor and the General
Assembly by September 30 of each year, beginning in 2000, about
service learning programs at state institutions of higher
FISCAL NOTE: Estimated Net Cost to General Revenue Fund of
Unknown in FY 2000, FY 2001, and FY 2002. Cost is expected to
exceed $100,000 annually.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that public service helps students
develop into productive citizens, and both communities and
students benefit when service and learning are combined.
Testifying for the bill were Representatives Hosmer and
McClelland; Office of the Lieutenant Governor; Missouri
Community Service Commission; University of Missouri-Columbia;
Associated Students of the University of Missouri; Mary Haman,
University of Missouri-Columbia student; and Adam Crumbliss,
Southwest Missouri State University student.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Debra Cheshier, Senior Legislative Analyst
HB 749 -- Student Volunteer Corps Program
Co-Sponsors: Hosmer, McClelland
This bill creates a Student Volunteer Corps Program to provide
every student with the opportunity to participate in a community
service activity while in college. All public colleges and
universities are required to participate in the program and must
provide opportunities for all fulltime undergraduate students,
beginning in the fall term of 1999, to participate in community
service each academic year. All public community colleges and
private colleges and universities are to be encouraged to
participate in the program. Participating schools may grant
academic credit for student participation in the program. The
Student Volunteer Corps Program will be administered by the
Coordinating Board for Higher Education.
By December 1, 1999, each participating college and university
must establish a Student Volunteer Corps Task Force, comprised
of students, faculty, campus administrators, and community
representatives. The purposes of the task force are outlined
and include strengthening on-campus and external community
service opportunities, and developing rules and guidelines for
the program. Each task force is also to advise the Coordinating
Board for Higher Education on the operation of the program.
The Coordinating Board may, subject to appropriation, cancel or
repay a portion of any student loan issued under the Missouri
Guaranteed Student Loan Program. Any such reductions, however,
must apply uniformly to all students who participate in the
Student Volunteer Corps Program and who have outstanding student
The Coordinating Board is required to report to the General
Assembly not later than January 15, 2000, on the progress made
to establish the program, with recommendations for ongoing
program funding.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:27 pm