HB 762 -- Assisted Suicide
Sponsor: Bennett
This bill requires the Board of Healing Arts to automatically
revoke the license of a physician who is found guilty of or who
has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for assisting in
a suicide in any jurisdiction of the United States or if there
is convincing evidence that the physician has assisted in a
suicide in any jurisdiction.
The provision does not apply to a physician who participates in
an execution for the Department of Corrections or follows the
directions in a living will or durable power of attorney for
health care decisions. The bill also establishes a class B
felony of knowingly causing another person to commit or attempt
to commit suicide, but exempts from that definition the
withholding or withdrawing of a life-sustaining procedure. In
addition, the bill establishes a cause of action for injunctive
relief and allows the prevailing party in that action to be
awarded reasonable attorney's fees and civil damages, including
attorneys' fees, against a person who assists or attempts to
assist another person to commit or attempt suicide.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:27 pm