HB 77 -- Vehicular Manslaughter
Co-Sponsors: Smith, Relford
The bill defines and enhances the penalty for the crime of
vehicular manslaughter by an intoxicated person. Vehicular
manslaughter by an intoxicated person is defined as the
criminally negligent act of operating a motor vehicle while
intoxicated that causes the death of any person. The punishment
for vehicular manslaughter by an intoxicated person is
imprisonment for a term of not less than 10 nor more than 15
years. Under current law, the operation of a motor vehicle in
an intoxicated condition resulting in the death of another
person is deemed involuntary manslaughter which is a class C
felony. The maximum prison term is not to exceed 7 years.
The bill also requires a person convicted of or who has pled
guilty to 2 or more alcohol related municipal violations within
one year to serve a minimum sentence of 60 days incarceration.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:22 pm