HB 777 -- Medical Grievances
Sponsor: Crump
This bill establishes several provisions relating to complaints
filed against physicians and nurses by persons in the custody of
the Department of Corrections. No documentation may appear on
file or disciplinary action may be taken unless the licensee
violates provisions requiring denial, suspension, or revocation
of licenses. The bill also requires any case file documentation
to be destroyed within 3 months of final case disposition by the
Board of Healing Arts and the Board of Nursing.
In the case of previous complaints by persons in the custody of
the Department of Corrections, where no violation was found by
the board, the bill requires the timely destruction of all
public documentation regarding the complaint at the request of
the licensee, notification of other licensing boards or
registries of the board's action, and sending a letter to the
licensee stating that the board found the complaint to be
Unsubstantiated complaints need not be disclosed for employment

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:27 pm