HB 794 -- Missouri Respect Life Commission and License Plate
Co-Sponsors: Treadway, Kennedy, Ross, O'Connor, Bray,
Luetkenhaus, Dolan, Chrismer, Cierpiot
This bill allows for a special license plate. The license plate
will bear the words "RESPECT LIFE" and an image of a single red
rose and will have a background with a color scheme to
complement and highlight the words and the image.
To obtain this plate, a person must get an emblem-use
authorization statement upon the payment of a $25 fee from the
Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Support Fund, which is
created. The authorization statement will be presented to the
Department of Revenue at the time of registration. The fee
charged for personalized plates will not apply to this plate and
there will be no limit of plates issued as long as the vehicles
are owned solely or jointly by a person.
The General Assembly may appropriate moneys annually from the
Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Support Fund to the Department
of Revenue to offset costs incurred for collecting and
transferring contributions. This collection fee must not exceed
5% of the contribution collected and transferred to the fund.
The provision requiring all expended balances remaining in
various state funds to be transferred to the General Revenue
Fund will not apply to this fund. Until the amount in this fund
exceeds $1,000,000, not more the 1/2 of the money credited to
the fund, plus all investment earnings credited to the fund
during the previous fiscal year will be available for
disbursement by the Missouri Respect Life Commission, which is
also created, with its membership, duties, and powers spelled
out. When the treasurer certifies that assets in the fund
exceed $1,000,000, from that time on all earnings plus future
credits to the fund from all sources will be available to the
commission. The General Assembly may appropriate moneys
annually for the fund to the Office of Administration for
budgetary, procurement, accounting, and other related functions.
The purpose of the fund is to support private agencies which are:
(1) Established to provide alternatives to abortion services;
(2) Located in Missouri; and
(3) Exempt from income taxation.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:27 pm