CO-SPONSORS: Gratz, Gaw, Selby, Berkowitz, Luetkenhaus, Davis
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Public
Safety and Law Enforcement by a vote of 15 to 1.
The unlawful act of operating a vehicle without a license or
operating a motorcycle or motortricycle without a valid license
that shows such person is motorcycle qualified is a class A
misdemeanor and on a third or subsequent violation a class D
felony. Points assessed on the above violations will be 2
points for the first conviction, 4 points on the second, and 6
points on the third conviction.
Application for a drivers' license will, among other things,
require the applicant to indicate if he or she has ever been
convicted of driving without a license. Any person convicted a
third or subsequent time of driving while a license is revoked
is guilty of a class D felony.
FISCAL NOTE: Estimated Net Cost to General Revenue Fund of
$379,237 to $479,237 in FY 2000, $408,643 to $508,643 in FY
2001, and $419,130 to $519,130 in FY 2002.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that the bill is necessary
especially in the case of repeat traffic offenders who are
driving with revoked licenses. Because the penalties for
driving without a license are increased, the incidence of
occurrence should be reduced.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Gratz; Stacy Ledin;
and State Highway Patrol.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Sarah Madden, Legislative Analyst
HB 844 -- Drivers' License
Co-Sponsors: Gratz, Gaw, Selby, Berkowitz, Luetkenhaus, Davis
The unlawful act of operating a vehicle without a license or
operating a motorcycle or motortricycle without a valid license
that shows such person is motorcycle qualified is a class A
misdemeanor and on a third or subsequent violation a class D
felony. Points assessed on the above violations will be 2
points for the first conviction, 4 points on the second, and 6
points on the third conviction.
Application for a drivers' license will, among other things,
require the applicant to indicate if he or she has ever been
convicted of driving without a license. Any person convicted a
third or subsequent time of driving while a license is revoked
is guilty of a class D felony.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:27 pm