COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Municipal
Corporations by a vote of 15 to 0.
This bill establishes the St. Louis Regional Development
Commission. The commission will examine problems and
possibilities that include potential new revenue sources,
riverfront development, growth management, intercity development
and cooperation, future economic growth, possible trade zones,
solutions to urban problems that have been developed by other
cities, and other issues facing the St. Louis metropolitan area.
The commission will consist of 15 members, which include 5
members of the Missouri House of Representatives appointed by
the Speaker of the House of Representatives; 5 members of the
Missouri Senate appointed by the President Pro Tem of the
Senate; and 5 members appointed by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Senate.
The commission is required to submit a report no later than the
first Wednesday in January of each year to the General Assembly,
the Governor, and the governing bodies of every county in the
St. Louis metropolitan area. The report is to examine the
problems specified in this bill and additional relevant issues.
The study will include recommendations for specific executive or
legislative actions by the Governor, the General Assembly, or a
governing body for the purpose of solving problems that face the
St. Louis metropolitan area.
The commission can hire staff as necessary to fulfill its goals
as stated in this bill.
FISCAL NOTE: Cost to General Revenue Fund of Unknown in FY
2000, FY 2001, and FY 2002. Annual costs are expected to exceed
$100,000 in FY 2001 and FY 2002.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that the creation of the St. Louis
Regional Development Commission will allow for the examination
of various issues facing the St. Louis metropolitan area,
including the potential for new revenue sources. Currently,
there are numerous vacant buildings in the City of St. Louis
which are not producing revenue.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Ford; and City of
St. Louis.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Joseph Deering, Legislative Analyst
HB 856 -- St. Louis Regional Development Commission
Co-Sponsors: Ford, Auer, O'Toole, Hilgemann, Davis (63),
Carter, Gambaro
This bill establishes the St. Louis Regional Development
Commission which will examine problems and possibilities that
include potential new revenue sources, riverfront development,
growth management, intercity development and cooperation, future
economic growth, possible trade zones, solutions to urban
problems that have been developed by other cities, and other
issues facing the St. Louis metropolitan area.
The commission will consist of 15 members which include 5
members from the Missouri House of Representatives appointed by
the Speaker of the House of Representatives; 5 members of the
Missouri Senate appointed by the President Pro Tem of the
Senate; and 5 members appointed by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Senate.
The commission is required to submit a report no later than the
first Wednesday in January of each year to the General Assembly,
the Governor, and the governing bodies of every county in the
St. Louis metropolitan area which examines the problems
specified in this bill and additional relevant issues. The
study will include recommendations for specific executive or
legislative actions by the Governor, the General Assembly, or a
governing body for the purpose of solving problems that face the
St. Louis metropolitan area.
The commission can hire staff as necessary to fulfill its goals
as stated in this bill.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:27 pm