HB 918 -- State Aid for Public Schools
Sponsor: Scheve
The contingent version of the school funding formula as enacted
in 1998 by SB 781 depends upon achieving settlement in the St.
Louis desegregation case by March 15, 1999. This bill reenacts
the contingent version of the formula with a change to the
funding of hold-harmless school districts (those districts that
would receive less than their 92-93 level of revenue per pupil),
deleting line 14 "at-risk" funds from the calculation of the
hold-harmless amount. The contingent version of the formula
also permitted less wealthy hold-harmless districts to receive
some additional funding from their line 14 moneys. That
language is omitted from the section as revised by the bill,
thus letting hold harmless districts receive all their line 14
moneys as they would any categorical funding and calculating the
hold-harmless amount on the entitlement minus deductions as
compared to the 1992-93 amount.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:28 pm