HB 97 -- County Government
Sponsor: Long
This bill allows all noncharter counties to adopt ordinances,
resolutions, or regulations related to their property, affairs,
and government for which no provision has been made by general
law or the Constitution of Missouri and to impose a penalty not
to exceed $500 or 90 days imprisonment or both for the violation
of such ordinances, resolutions, or regulations. If a county
adopts an ordinance where the state and county have a penalty
for the offense of an ordinance, the county must set the same
penalty as is set by state statute. The governing body of the
county may also submit, for voter approval, any ordinance,
resolution, or regulation. The General Assembly may further
define, broaden, limit, or otherwise regulate the power of
noncharter counties to pass ordinances, resolutions, or

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:22 pm