HB 974 -- St. Louis Boundary Commission
Sponsor: Reynolds
This bill makes several changes in the St. Louis Boundary
Commission. The bill:
(1) Allows 55% of registered voters of an area to sign a
petition proposing a simplified boundary change as an
alternative to 75% of residential property owners who pay
property tax;
(2) Restricts a contractor or subcontractor of the commission
from being an elective official within the commission's
(3) Makes contractors subject to conflict of interest and open
meetings and records laws;
(4) Requires a separate order or ordinance of the governing
bodies when making a simplified boundary change between
municipalities or municipalities and the county. A vote is also
required before the change takes effect;
(5) Repeals the 2 year prohibition on resubmitting a boundary
change that was disapproved by the voters;
(6) Allows 120 days to collect additional signatures when the
commission modifies a proposal; and
(7) Repeals current law regarding petitions to remain
unincorporated and regarding the election area of any proposed
boundary change.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:28 pm