SPONSOR: McBride (Crump)
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on State
Parks, Natural Resources and Mining by a vote of 14 to 1.
This proposed constitutional amendment requires a 2/3 majority
for voter approval of initiative proposals relating to any
powers delegated to the Conservation Commission. Measures that
repeal initiative proposals previously approved by voters are
excepted, requiring only a simple majority.
FISCAL NOTE: Cost to General Revenue Fund of $39,900 in FY 2001.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that the intent of this proposal is
to protect traditional rights and keep wildlife management in
the hands of professionals.
Testifying for the bill were Representatives Crump and Purgason;
Missouri Federation of Animal Owners; Sporting Dog Association
of Missouri; Missouri Trappers Association; Jerry Conley,
Department of Conservation; Conservation Federation of Missouri;
Missouri Farm Bureau; Missouri Cattlemen's Association; United
Bowhunters of Missouri; Quail Unlimited; and Jay Law.
OPPONENTS: Those who oppose the bill say that the proposal
interferes with the right of initiative petition. Public policy
issues should not require a super-majority vote.
Testifying against the bill were Missouri Coalition for the
Environment; and Sierra Club.
Terry Finger, Senior Legislative Analyst
HJR 26 -- Conservation Commission
Co-Sponsors: Crump, Purgason, Ransdall, Parker, Hampton,
Koller, Elliott
This proposed constitutional amendment requires a 2/3 majority
for voter approval of initiative proposals relating to any
powers delegated to the Conservation Commission.

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Last Updated September 30, 1999 at 1:29 pm