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Search returned 23 records.

SB 754Modifies provisions relating to public safety
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SB 755Modifies provisions relating to detention on arrest without a warrant
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SB 756Modifies a property tax credit for certain seniors
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SB 852Authorizes sports wagering
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SB 853Modifies provisions relating to statutes of limitations
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SB 854Modifies the operations and procedures of the Missouri Ethics Commission
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SB 940Requires publication of a cost estimate and project completion date for any work on the state highway system at the time bidding for a contract on the work first closes
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SB 941Establishes a statutory cause of action against private contractors for damages arising out of repair or construction of public highways and roads
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SB 942Modifies provisions relating to the selection of Commissioners of the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
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SB 1020Creates the offense of trafficking a child sex doll
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SB 1266Modifies provisions relating to pretrial witness protection programs
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SB 1313Establishes provisions relating to fraudulent misrepresentation in advertisements of health care practitioners
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SB 1350Prohibits giving preferential treatment or discrimination based upon ESG scores
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SB 1351Modifies and creates new provisions relating to water resources
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SB 1352Modifies provisions relating to commercial transactions
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SB 1391Modifies provisions of the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program
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SB 1468Modifies provisions relating to the condemnation of property
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SJR 58Exempts certain disabled veterans from property taxes
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HB 1659Modifies provisions relating to public safety
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HB 2064Establishes and modifies provisions relating to civil proceedings
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HB 2385Provides that counties and cities shall not enact, maintain, or enforce certain ordinances relating to landlords and tenants
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HB 2432Modifies a property tax credit for certain seniors
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HB 2700Modifies provisions relating to criminal proceedings
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