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Search returned 8 records.

SB 16Authorizes the Video Lottery Control Act
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 17Modifies provisions relating to opioid prescriptions
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 18Allows the circuit court of St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses, including the maintenance of a law library
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 110Designates the week in which January 5 falls each year as "Kappa Alpha Psi Week" in Missouri
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 111Designates September as "Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month"
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 112Authorizes the Video Lottery Control Act
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 191Creates extreme risk orders of protection
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 192Modifies provisions relating to the sheriff of St. Louis City
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries