Fiscal Oversight

The Committee on Fiscal Oversight shall review, study, and investigate all bills and matters referred to it relating to the fiscal affairs of the state or any state agency or department as well as any policy impacting the operation and effectiveness of any state agency or department or program thereof. The Committee on Fiscal Oversight shall also consider and report upon all bills, except regular appropriation bills, that require new appropriations or expenditures of appropriated funds in excess of $250,000, or that reduce such funds by that amount during any of the first three years that public funds will be used to fully implement the provisions of the Act, or that result in an increase in revenue to the state in excess of $250,000 during any of the first three years in which the provisions of the Act will be fully implemented. Any such senate bill, after having been approved by the regular standing committee to which it has been assigned and after the same has been perfected and ordered printed by the senate, shall thereafter be referred to the Committee on Fiscal Oversight for its consideration prior to its submission to the senate for final passage thereof by the senate. Any such house bill after having been reported by the regular standing committee to which it was assigned shall be referred to the Committee on Fiscal Oversight for its consideration prior to it being considered by the senate for third reading and final passage. Any senate or house bill amended so as to increase expenditures or reduce revenue in excess of $250,000 during any of the first three years that public funds will be used to fully implement its provisions, or amended so as to increase revenue to the state in excess of $250,000 during any of the first three years in which its provisions will be fully implemented, shall upon timely motion be referred or re-referred to the Committee on Fiscal Oversight. The author or first named sponsor of a bill referred to the Committee on Fiscal Oversight shall be entitled to a hearing on his or her bill but such committee hearing shall be limited to the reception of testimony presented by the author or first-named sponsor in person and none other. The Committee on Fiscal Oversight may recommend the passage of a bill subject to the adoption of an amendment specifying a certain effective date proposed by the committee, and if such an amendment is not adopted, the bill shall again be referred to the Committee on Fiscal Oversight.

Senator Bernskoetter
Senator Black
Senator Beck
Senator Cierpiot
Senator Coleman
Senator Crawford
Senator Fitzwater
Senator Nurrenbern
Senator Roberts