Senator Justin Brown


District 16 - Dent, Laclede, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Wright
First elected to the Senate: 2018
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Senator Justin Brown was elected in 2018 to represent Missouri’s 16th Senatorial District, which includes Dent, Laclede, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Wright counties. A native of Phelps County, Sen. Brown is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology) with a degree in history. Following college, Sen. Brown worked as a commercial loan officer, specializing in agricultural financing, while owning and operating a family farm.

Senator Brown currently farms more than 2,200 acres, primarily raising corn and soybeans. He also maintains a cow-calf operation on the family farm. Senator Brown is an active member of the Missouri Cattleman’s Association and the Dent/Phelps County Cattleman’s Association. He has served on the boards of the Missouri Beef Council, the Phelps County Farm Bureau and his local MFA Cooperative.

A leader for the Elk Prairie 4-H Club, Sen. Brown teaches livestock management and assists with calf competitions. He belongs to Masons Lodge #213 and attends St. Patrick Catholic Church in Rolla.

Senator Brown, a resident of Rolla, is the father of three children.

Statewide Committees:
Electric Vehicle Task Force







Contact Information

201 W. Capitol Ave., Rm. 423
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Email the Senator

Legislative Staff:

Ashley Bax
Diane Koestner
Ray Schwartze, Field Rep

Legislative Information

Constituent Services
