This week marked the start of the 97th General Assembly in Missouri. Lawmakers from all across our state converged on the state Capitol to begin the process of creating effective legislation, working on the state budget, meeting with constituents and carrying on the job of representing the people.
I was proud to have been named chair of the Veterans’ Affairs and Health Committee this week, and I look forward to some productive meetings as we examine the issues and concerns of our veterans.
We have many issues to deal with in the upcoming months. We will be debating legislation concerning the future of tax credits in Missouri, the possible expansion of the Medicaid program, as well as labor issues regarding paycheck protection and the reform of the prevailing wage system. As many legislators are passionate about their positions on these and other topics, I anticipate several late night debates this year, as we hash out the details and create laws that benefit us all.
We also have a great mix of brand new senators, as well as our more seasoned members, and I am optimistic we can all listen to each other and work together for the good of our constituents.
Always feel free to contact me throughout the year with any comments, questions, or issues by calling my office at (573) 751-5713 or by visiting my website at
Thank you for reading this and for your participation in state government. |