Legislative Column for the Week of July 29, 2013
Sales Tax Holiday This Weekend

This weekend is the weekend many families with students have been waiting for all year. Missouri’s Back to School Sales Tax Holiday began on 12:01 a.m. Friday, Aug. 2, and runs until midnight on Sunday, Aug. 4. During this time period, items such as computers, school supplies, clothing and many other items as defined by the state statute are exempt from state sales tax. However, some local jurisdictions, by enacting an ordinance 45 days prior to the holiday, may choose not to participate in the program.

Most clothing purchases are included in the program, but accessories such as purses, scarves or sunglasses are not.

Computers and peripherals are also covered, such as laptops, hard drives, keyboards. Monitors and printers, as well as some software, are also included in the tax holiday.

Additionally, school supplies such as notebooks, book bags, crayons, pencils, binders and many other items are included in the list of eligible items.

For more information, please visit the Missouri Department of Revenue’s website on this issue: dor.mo.gov/business/sales/taxholiday/school.

Always feel free to contact me throughout the year with any comments, questions, or issues by calling my office at (573) 751-5713 or by visiting my website at www.senate.mo.gov/brown.

Thank you for reading this and for your participation in state government.


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State Capitol Building

Room 419
Jefferson City, MO  65101



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(573) 751-5713