JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Mike Parson, R-Bolivar, acknowledges who supported Amendment 1 and helped push it to victory on Tuesday night. Elected officials from both sides of the political aisle had endorsed the measure, making it a bipartisan effort on a statewide level.
“The passage of Amendment 1 was the result of the support and hard work of many Missourians, including elected officials from both parties,” said Parson. “I want to thank State Auditor Tom Schweich, Attorney General Chris Koster, Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder, Secretary of State Jason Kander, and a special thanks to Mayor Francis Slay,” continued Parson, “These individuals added their public support to Amendment 1, and for that I am grateful. Because of their help the farmers and ranchers of Missouri will be able to continue doing what they do best; provide the state, nation, and world with a stable supply of safe and cheap food.”
“The efforts put forth on behalf of Amendment 1 is a perfect example of what can happen when officials work together on behalf of the citizens we were elected to represent,” stated Parson, “I am hopeful this is just the beginning of the accomplishments we can achieve when we look past party lines and do what is best for the people of Missouri.”