For Immediate Release:
May 15, 2014

Contact: Tucker Jobes
(573) 751 - 1480

Senator Sater's Bill Extending Waiting Period for Abortions Passes Missouri Legislature

JEFFERSON CITY — The Missouri General Assembly gave final approval yesterday (5-14) to a bill sponsored by Sen. David Sater, R-Cassville, that extends the waiting period to have an abortion in Missouri to three days.


“This is an important victory for unborn children in Missouri,” said Sen. Sater. “Three days is not unreasonable or an undue burden in deciding whether to bring a child into this world.”


Senator Sater prefiled Senate Bill 519 before the legislative session began, which is identical to the House version of the bill that eventually passed the Senate and the House. More than half the states require a waiting period before an abortion can be performed. Two states (Utah and South Dakota) have 72-hour waiting period laws. Missouri also has an informed consent law which specifies that women, during the waiting period, receive information about the development of their unborn child and about the methods and risks of abortion. Mothers also receive information about adoption and have the opportunity to view an ultrasound and hear the heartbeat of her child.  


“The decision to abort a child is a life-changing and irreversible one. An additional 48 hours gives a mother time to process the information she receives through the informed consent process or seek help and advice from family members or a counselor,” said Sen. Sater. “There were more than 9,000 abortions performed in Missouri last year and that’s 9,000 too many. I believe the passage of this bill will result in more women bringing their pregnancies to full term and more children having an opportunity for life.”


House Bills 1307 & 1313 now await action by the governor. The governor could sign the bill or choose not to sign it, both of which would result in the bill becoming law. The governor could also veto the bill. If the bill is vetoed, the Legislature could consider an override at the annual veto session in September.


For more on this legislation or any other measures filed or sponsored by Sen. Sater, please visit his Senate website at