On Thursday, most of us will sit at our family table and celebrate Thanksgiving – a time to be grateful for all that we have. And we have a great deal to be thankful for. We have many freedoms not enjoyed by other countries and cultures. We have the freedom to move about this nation as we see fit, the freedom to speak our minds, the freedom to worship, the freedom to assemble, and the list goes on.
We can be especially thankful for the pilgrims, who in 1620, endured unimaginable hardships to get to the New World and establish a government based on the will of the people, and not a monarch or dictatorship.
We can also be thankful for those who regularly sacrifice themselves to protect our freedom, those men and women in uniform, be they military or law enforcement, who are working hard to keep our streets, as well as our nation, safe. Many of them are thousands of miles away, missing their loved ones on this day of thanks, defending the visions of our forefathers for a free nation and a free world.
So, on Thursday, when you might be loosening your belt a bit to make room for one more piece of pie, give thanks for this country, and everything it took to get us where we are today.
My family and I wish you and yours a blessed and joyous Thanksgiving.
Always feel free to contact me throughout the year with any comments, questions, or issues by calling my office at (573) 751-5713 or by visiting www.senate.mo.gov/brown.
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