Legislative Column for the Week of Dec. 1, 2014

Deadline for Student Artwork in the Capitol

For several months, the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education (MOAAE) has sponsored an art exhibit at the Capitol in the walkway between the Capitol basement and Senate parking garage. The walls are lined with artwork done by students from all over Missouri.

The MOAAE, as a member of the Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network, is dedicated to making the arts a basic part of education with a variety of programs designed to enhance art and music curriculum throughout the state school districts.


School districts have until Dec. 20, 2014 to submit artwork to be considered for display at the Capitol. Artwork may be submitted with an online form by visiting the website at www.123contactform.com/form-1131991/Senate-Exhibit.

I have admired all of the artistic endeavors already submitted by the students. The walk from my car into the building has been delayed many times as I have paused to see some of the remarkable work done by our students from across the state.

Always feel free to contact me throughout the year with any comments, questions, or issues by calling my office at (573) 751-5713 or by visiting www.senate.mo.gov/brown.

Thank you for reading this and for your participation in state government.