February 20, 2014

Vehicle Sales Tax Exemption Moves Forward


This week my legislation to exempt vehicles that are 10 years old or older from sales tax took another step forward when it was given a favorable vote in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.  The next step will be for it to be debated and voted on by the full Senate.  I believe this bill would be a big help to the working family or individual who needs a dependable vehicle to get to work or school in order to earn a living.

Also this week, the Senate passed and sent to the House of Representatives a bill requiring health insurance companies to cover oral chemotherapy treatments at the same rate as intravenously administered treatments.  As medical treatments change, it is important to also update the laws to reflect these advances.  This issue is very important to the health care system across the state, but especially so in our rural areas.

We worked late into the night on Monday to give first-round approval to a bill strengthening the Second Amendment rights of Missouri’s citizens.  The bill is similar to what passed last session but was vetoed by the governor.  It would seek to nullify any further attempts by the federal government to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of Missourians.

What a week it was for visitors to the Capitol from the district!  Groups in the office this week included 4-H Youth from Dallas and Polk counties, Bolivar Leadership Group, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri Nurse Association, FCCLA, Trails End Committee, as well as many individuals working on a variety of issues.

The schedule for educational meetings regarding the Right to Farm amendment is beginning to take shape.  Each week more volunteers are stepping forward to help with this important cause.  While it may seem like a long time until November when the measure will appear on the ballot, Election Day will come quickly and we need to reach people across the entire state.  Upcoming events in our area are as follows:

February 20: Stockton Christian Church, 6:30 p.m.

February 27: Missouri State University, 6:30 p.m.

March 6: Lebanon High School, 6:00 p.m.

March 13: Prairie Grove School, 6:30 p.m.

April 3: Osceola, TBA

‘Nothing is Politically Right Which is Morally Wrong’