For Immediate Release:
December 22, 2015

Contact: Dan Hutton
(573) 751-4008
Senator Romine Encourages Citizens to Attend Upcoming MDC Habitat Management Workshop

JEFFERSON CITY — State Senator Gary Romine, R-Farmington, is encouraging residents of the 3rd Senate District to attend the Missouri Department of Conservation’s upcoming habitat management workshop for private landowners. The free, month-long workshop begins in January and will consist of four unique sessions.

“We’re very lucky here in Missouri to have a conservation department that is so strongly and consistently committed to educating the public on all manner of conservation issues, often at no cost,” said Sen. Romine. “From small game management to white-tailed deer movements, the January workshop will include eight different topics on habitat management. It is just one of over 500 landowner workshops the department hosts each year, and I encourage all interested constituents to attend.”

Sessions will be hosted by MDC biologists every Tuesday evening in January at Mineral Area College, from 6-7:45 p.m. Each session will be held in Rice Lecture Hall B in the Arts and Sciences Building. While there is no cost to attend, registration is required as space is limited. Individuals can register for any number of sessions. Those wanting to register for all four sessions must register before Jan. 1. Individual session registrations will be taken up until the Friday before each session.

Weekly sessions include:

Week 1: Jan. 5

  • White-tailed Deer Movements and Reproduction in Managed Forests
  • The Story of Elk in Missouri

Week 2: Jan. 12

  • The Bear Facts in Missouri State
  • MO Wild Turkey research project

Week 3: Jan. 19

  • Small Game Management
  • Natural Community Management

Week 4: Jan. 26

  • Landscaping with Natives
  • All About Song Birds

For more information on the seminar, contact Norris at (573) 225-5859. To register, call (573) 290-5730. For more information on how the MDC works with private landowners to promote wildlife habitat, go online to