It seems as if mass shootings and acts of terror happen almost every day, and more and more of these heinous deeds are occurring here in our country. With the attacks in Paris, and of course here on our soil, it is time to bring safety and security back to the U.S.A.
My opinion may not seem politically correct, but I feel we must take steps now to secure our country from the constant influx of those wishing to do us harm.
ISIS and other terror-based groups are gaining ground in many locations around the world, including the U.S.A. Their propaganda machines have been recruiting young people at an alarming rate, using social media as a tool to influence young, misguided minds.
I stand by my decision to urge the Missouri attorney general to file suit to postpone the immigration of Syrian refugees until we have had a chance to come up with a more efficient system of screening their identities. I would ultimately prefer that the screening process pertain to all persons seeking asylum in the United States, regardless of their origin. We have become far too complacent regarding our border control, and we simply must step up our efforts to protect U.S. citizens.
As always, I’m happy to hear questions and comments from constituents regarding this or other issues in the Missouri Legislature, and I can be reached by calling my Capitol office at 573-751-5713 or by e-mailing me at
Thank you for reading this and for your participation in state government.