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Senator Gina Walsh, D-Bellefontaine Neighbors, speaks on the floor
of the Missouri Senate.
This summer, the governor vetoed a total of six bills out of nearly 100 pieces of legislation that were truly agreed and passed during the 2019 legislative session. To fulfill the Legislature's constitutional duty, the Missouri General Assembly convened on Sept. 11 for the annual veto session. Below is a list of the bills that were vetoed:
- Senate Bill 147 contained a partial repeal of the state’s motorcycle helmet law.
- Senate Bill 202 addressed mining royalties on federal lands; the governor vetoed this bill citing a conflict with federal law.
- Senate Bill 282 and House Bill 447 involved the disposition of human remains and coroners respectively. These bills were vetoed due to provisions that allow for outdoor cremations, commonly known as “Viking funerals.”
- Senate Bill 414 created a taskforce seeking a waiver to change the Affordable Care Act. Without an emergency clause allowing the taskforce to immediately go to work, the governor did not believe it would have enough time to conduct its research. The governor has since created the taskforce through an executive order.
- House Bill 399 was vetoed due to additional requirements and restrictions placed on the Department of Health and Senior Services. Many of the bill’s provisions were passed in other bills and signed into law.
At the conclusion of veto session, lawmakers did not vote to override any of the governor's vetoes. During the upcoming legislative session, I look forward to continue working with the governor and my colleagues in the Missouri Senate on the issues that matter most to the people of 13th Senatorial District and all Missouri citizens. |
It has been the current practice of our state to allow citizens to sell multiple vehicles to offset the sales tax obligation of a new vehicle purchase. However, this practice came into question when the plaintiff in the Kehlenbrink v. Director of Revenue case sold four cars and wanted to use the tax credits generated from the sale to offset their tax bill from the purchase of a new vehicle. On June 25, the Supreme Court ruled that only one vehicle could be used as an allowance toward fulfilling the tax obligation associated with the purchase of a new vehicle.
Following this ruling, the governor announced he was calling lawmakers back to the State Capitol to address the court's ruling and clarify the state's stance on the issue.
As a result, the Legislature convened on Sept. 9, entering an extraordinary session, which ran concurrently with our annual veto session. This issue, left unaddressed, could have resulted in higher tax bills for citizens trading in their cars.
The Legislature passed a new law to bring clarity and uniformity to the Department of Revenue’s position on the issue, and I am confident that this legislation will ensure that no Missourian is overtaxed by the state for their vehicle trade-in.
With this issue settled, I look forward to the General Assembly returning its attention to important matters like improving public safety, making health care more affordable and increasing investments in public education and job training. In addition, I believe issues surrounding gun violence in our urban areas need to be addressed at the state level. So far this summer, there have been 17 children, across the St. Louis area, who have been the victim of gun violence, leaving their families with heavy hearts and no answers.
I hope this is an issue that we can address through meaningful and thoughtful legislation that protects our youth and our families who reside in these areas. These children and their families deserve the chance to live with a peace of mind that they will not be gunned down while simply playing outdoors. |
Learn more about the Affordable Healthcare Act by visiting Healthcare.gov. |
Starting Nov. 1, you can log in to HealthCare.gov, fill out an application and enroll in a 2020 Marketplace health plan. Enroll by Dec. 15, 2019, and your coverage starts Jan. 1, 2020. Plans and prices for 2019 will be available to preview before Nov. 1.
Here are some ways to get ready to apply for 2020 coverage:
There are several ways to learn more about the Affordable Care Act or the federal Health Insurance Marketplace:
- Call the Marketplace Call Center: 1-800-318-2596 or TTY: 1-855-889-4325,
someone is available to assist you 24/7.
- Visit www.HealthCare.gov for live chat assistance.
- Visit CuidadoDeSalud.gov for Spanish.
Trails throughout the Columbia Bottom Conservation area are closed to public access due to flood damage. |
Earlier this spring, parts of the state experienced severe storms that generated large amounts of rainfall. As a result, many of our state's trails, river access points and conservation areas were closed. The Missouri Department of Conservation recently announced that portions of the Columbia Bottom Conservation Area has been re-opened to public access.
Due to existing flood damage, public vehicle access and parking in the area will be limited and public access to the area will mainly be walk-in only. The public will have vehicle access to the areas in the following locations:
- The Visitor’s Center parking lot;
- The main area road up to Parking Lot C; and
- Parking Lot V.
Visitors should note that the Missouri River boat access and all of the area trails are closed to public access until further notice due to flood damage.
In addition, there was no managed dove hunt drawing this year due to flooding. Dove hunting will be allowed, but dove hunting is permitted only after 1:00 p.m. during the first seven days of the dove hunting season, and during legal shooting hours for the remainder of the season. All hunters must possess a daily dove hunting tag available at the Visitor’s Center.
As the Department of Conservation makes repairs to portions of the road damaged by spring flooding, they also plan to provide more vehicle access to the area. The department hopes to provide access to the Missouri River boat ramp sometime within the next month, but those are tentative plans at this point in time. |
The beginning of the school year can be just as overwhelming for parents as it is for the students. Parents must make sure students are up to date on their school immunizations, and have their backpacks, school clothes and school supplies ready for the first day of school. However, despite our best efforts, accidents happen. This is why Teach Hub Magazine, published by the K-12 Alliance,
has provided a list of recommendations to help you and your child get back into the swing of things:
1. Get back into your sleep routine. To help eradicate those stressful school mornings, set up a regular bedtime and morning routine to help prepare your child for school. Begin your usual school sleep routine about a week or so before school starts.
2. Shop for school supplies together. To get your child excited about starting a new grade, shop for supplies together. Allow them to pick out their own backpack, lunchbox, etc. This is a great way to give them a little bit of responsibility too!
3. Re-establish school routines. Have your child practice getting back into the rhythm of their daily school routine. You can do this by having them wake up at the same time every day and eat around the same time they would at school. About a week or so before school starts, create a calendar of activities where your child will have to leave and come home around the same time they would if they were in school.
4. Set up a homework station. Sit down with your child and together designate a time and place where they can do their homework each day. This can be somewhere quiet like the den, or even in the kitchen while you are preparing dinner. Make sure to choose a time where you are available in case your child needs your help.
5. Turn off the TV and video games. For a lot of children, summer time is filled with endless video games and TV programs. Children are usually in shock when they begin school and realize that six hours of their day is spent learning and not playing games and watching TV. Ease your child into the learning process by turning off the electronics and encouraging them to read or play quietly.
6. Prepare for the unexpected. Working parents know that it can be difficult to find a sitter when your child is sick. Before school even begins, it’s a good idea to have a sitter already lined up in case you get that phone call from the nurse saying your child is ill.
This Halloween, if trick-o-treating is on your family's to-do list, keep in mind a few tips that will help you and your children have a fun and safe Halloween:
Walk Safely
- Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.
- Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross.
- Put electronic devices down and keep heads up and walk across the street.
- Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them.
- Always walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to
the left as possible. Children should walk on direct routes with the fewest street crossings.
- Watch for cars that are turning or backing up. Teach children to never dart out into the street or cross between parked cars.
Trick or Treat With an Adult
- Children under the age of 12 should not be alone at night without adult supervision. If kids are old enough to be out without supervision, they should stick to familiar areas that are well lit and trick-o-treat in groups.
Keep Costumes both Creative and Safe
- Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers and, if possible, choose light colors.
- Choose face paint and makeup whenever possible instead of masks, which can obstruct a child’s vision.
- Have kids carry glow sticks or flashlights to help them see and be seen by drivers.
- When selecting a costume, make sure it is the right size to prevent trips and falls.
Drive With Caution on Halloween
- Slow down and be especially alert in residential neighborhoods. Children are
excited on Halloween and may move in unpredictable ways.
- Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs.
- Enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly and carefully.
- Eliminate any distractions inside your car so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings.
- Drive slowly, anticipate heavy pedestrian traffic and turn your headlights on earlier in the day to spot children from greater distances.
- Popular trick-o-treating hours are 5:30-9:30 p.m. So be on alert for kids during those hours.
State Sen. Gina Walsh
State Capitol Building Rm. 333