Missouri Senate Newsroom

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Special Video
The video files below are saved in a streaming video format to ensure a speeding and quality viewing experience.

Missouri Capitol Building


Video Duration File

Senate Pays Tribute to Staffer — Feb. 4, 2009: The Missouri Senate presents a courtesy resolution to Beauford Wayne "B.W." Robinson for his continuous work for the members of the Senate. 

5:55 Streaming

Honoring Missouri's Unsung Heroes — Jan. 14, 2009: Several Missourians were honored by the Missouri Senate in January for their dedication to help make their communities better places to live. Each hero featured in the video represents a month in the 2009 Missouri Senate calendar.

42:25 Streaming

Missouri Senate Opening Day Ceremony — Jan. 7, 2009:  95th General Assembly, First Regular Session — Oaths of Office and speech by Senate President Pro Tem Charlie Shields.

44:35 Streaming

If you have any questions or comments about the audio or video productions created by Senate Communications, please contact our office.



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