The Show-Me State
Missouri state symbols reflect a history and culture that sets our state apart from others in the nation.
Each symbol is either associated with a species native to our state, pays tribute to a product that is important to the Show-Me State's economy or represents a time in Missouri's history.
Most state symbols are introduced by the General Assembly. However, some ideas for state symbols come from Missourians just like you.
Click here or on the graphic below to view a publication featuring current and proposed
state symbols.

Missouri currently has more than 25 state symbols, and the list continues to grow year after year. |
The General Assembly adopted the Great Seal of Missouri in 1822. It was designed by Judge Robert William Wells. |
May 8 is set aside in commemoration of Harry S. Truman — the only native Missourian ever elected as president. |
In 1955, the flowering dogwood was chosen as the state tree. |
The Missouri fox-trotting horse was bred in the early 19th century. It was named the state horse in 2002. |
In 2008, a group of students successfully asked legislators to name the ice cream cone as the state's official dessert. |