SB 0971 - Changes identity theft from a class A misdemeanor to a class D felony and limits the venue of such prosecutions
SB 0972 - Creates a Public Safety Medal of Valor for the state of Missouri
SB 0973 - Requires additional information regarding department of economic development contracts for financial assistance
SB 0976 - Allows certain members of MOSERS who retire prior to July 1, 1990, an add'l $5 per month times yrs. of creditable svc.
SB 0977 - Increases the COLA for certain special consultants and retirees from 80% to 100T of the consumer price index
SB 0978 - Establishes the "Collaborative for Applied Experiences in Science" (CAES) program
SB 0979 - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Initiative for Scientific Education Enhancement" program
SB 1013 - Requires organ procurement organizations to use their best efforts to find suitable recipients in Missouri
SB 1024 - Allows Jefferson County to pass an ordinance creating a mechanical code
SB 1116 - Allows Business and cell phone users to be placed on the no-call list
SB 1117 - Authorizes an additional court surcharge in the 23rd judicial circuit (Jefferson County)
SB 1206 - Requires entities that provide child, elder, and health care services to submit certain employment info to a database
SB 1207 - Removes "commercial" from description of registered interior designers
SB 1208 - Encourages effective involvement by parents and families in support of their children's education
SB 1309 - Details conditions whereby a public higher education institution may use an individual's Social Security number
SB 1350 - Requires the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education to adopt an indoor air quality program
SB 1351 - Requires the Board of Trustees of the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan to promulgate certain rules
SB 1352 - Establishes alternative charter schools
SB 1378 - Requires Office of Administration to include certain products in the cafeteria plan for state employees
SCR 025 - Urges Congress to repeal the federal Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision
SJR 040 - Revises requirements to be met by those involved in the management of bingo
SJR 050 - Permits voters to approve school district bond issues with a simple majority on certain election days