SB 1115 - The act requires every public governmental body to begin utilizing the fiber optic network currently owned by the department of transportation for all telecommunications, video and data services by January 1, 2009. The act directs the office of administration to promulgate rules governing the process by which all public governmental bodies make this migration. The act directs the Office of Administration, after January 1, 2010, to promulgate rules governing the process by which all public governmental bodies begin integrating their data, voice and video services into a single, core convergence network. The rules will be made in three phases, a summary of each phase is laid out in the act. The act directs every public governmental body to submit a proposal to the office of administration no later than June 1, 2009, detailing their plans to meet the convergence implementation. The act directs the office of administration to submit a report to the governor and general assembly every two years beginning January 1, 2010, detailing the integration of all information systems and the progress towards the convergence implementation. MEGAN WORD