SB 964 - This act provides that the Adjutant General may no longer assign a third assistant adjutant general in the grade of major general or below. However, general officers of the line federally recognized in the grade of major general may be reassigned as a State Assistant Adjutant General without change in grade or branch. The act also provides that Assistant Adjutant Generals must have at least ten years of military service as a commissioned officer with any military force, with at least five years of the service being in field grade. Assistant Adjutant Generals shall serve at the pleasure of the Adjutant General, and perform any such duties as assigned by the Adjutant General. If the Adjutant General is unable to perform his or her duties, the senior Assistant General may perform such duties, under the direction of the Governor. The act also eliminates the provision which stated that the Assistant Adjutant General shall serve in the grade and receive such compensation as the Adjutant General determines. ALEXA PEARSON